Large breasts that are too heavy can become a real burden in the truest sense of the word: Pain in the neck and backache, in certain cases eczema in the folds of the breasts, etc. are just a few of the symptoms – not to mention the psychological aspect. After the operation, the breasts must be attractive and sensitive, and in a certain age-group, breast-feeding must still be possible. Thanks to modern techniques, all this is possible with very pleasing results!
According to the drug advertising law, a before-and-after image display is not permitted. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 08152 / 29150 or by E-Mail:
Patientin mit großer, hängender Brust und Verlust der ästhetischen Form.
6 Wochen nach Brustverkleinerung; die Brust ist noch geschwollen, die Narben noch gerötet.
According to the drug advertising law, a before-and-after image display is not permitted. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 08152 / 29150 or by E-Mail:
Patientin mit sog. Gigantomastie, also sehr großer, stark hängender Brust (Ptose).
Nach Brustverkleinerung (Mammreduktionsplastik) mit Straffung/Heben der Brust, Anheben des Mammillen-Areola-Komplexes mit Wiederherstellung einer ansprechenden Form.
According to the drug advertising law, a before-and-after image display is not permitted. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 08152 / 29150 or by E-Mail:
Patientin mit großer, stark hängender Brust (Ptose) und Verlust der ästhetischen Form.
Nach Brustverkleinerung mit –straffung ist eine anmutende Form der Brust wiederhergestellt.
According to the drug advertising law, a before-and-after image display is not permitted. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 08152 / 29150 or by E-Mail:
Patientin mit großer, hängender Brust (sog. Mammahyperplasie) und Verlust der ästhetischen Form.
Kurze Zeit nach Brustverkleinerung mit Wiederherstellung der ursprünglichen Form.
According to the drug advertising law, a before-and-after image display is not permitted. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 08152 / 29150 or by E-Mail: